Go2 Online Marketing Blog! Month: April 2021
If your brain goes into overdrive the minute you lie down to sleep, just pose yourself a question. Something silly like: “How many green beans did I see today?”. Your brain will immediately stop its endless chatter in order to try and answer your question. The chatter will resume but repeat the exercise 3 or ...
Around 70% to 80% of customers exclusively do business with companies that they researched online first. This means that companies without a website are going to lose out on up to four out of five of their potential customers right off the bat. Unfortunately, a surprising number of businesses don’t take the importance of having a good website ...
When it comes to web design, you must think long-term. There are a few factors that all work together to increase website traffic. Like many other factors, web design has a significant impact on website traffic, particularly now that consumers place such a high value on the visual aspect. The truth is that a well-designed ...