The seven deadly sins of web design

Just 30 days before the debut of “Captain Marvel,” the latest cinematic offering by the successful and prolific Marvel Studios, a delightful and nostalgia-filled website was unveiled to promote the movie.

Since the story of “Captain Marvel” is set in the 1990s, the brilliant minds at the marketing department of Marvel Studios decided to design a website with the right look and feel, which in this case meant using FrontPage and hosting on Angelfire.

The “Captain Marvel” promo website is filled with the typography, iconography, glitter, and crudely animated GIFs you would expect from a 1990s creation, including a guestbook, hidden easter eggs, flaming borders, hit counter, and even headers made with Microsoft WordArt.

The site is delightful not just for the dead-on nostalgia trip it provides to visitors, but also because it is very well developed. This is a site with a lot to explore, and it is clearly evident that the website developers met client demands while at the same time thinking about users.

This site may look and feel like it was made during the GeoCities era, but it does not make any of the following seven mistakes:

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