Celebrity singer, Katy Perry, has more than 66 Million followers on Twitter. Star power aside, how did she do it? Check out these tips to help you increase your followers on Twitter.
- To gain followers you need to post fun and engaging content. The more people engage with your content the wider it will spread, more people will see it! Make sure to post content that people will want to share with their family and friends.
- Create a biography that stands out. A well-written biography can make a lasting impression and might convince people to follow you.
- Stay active on Twitter and make sure you tweet often enough. A study has shown that people who tweet more gain more followers.
- You only have 140 characters so keep it short enough to grab their attention but long enough to say the important things you need to say. Quotes are a great way of getting their attention!
- There are specific times of the day that are better for tweeting as there are more people on Twitter during those times.
- In the morning from 7am – 9am
- Around 2pm
- In the evening between 8pm – 9pm
- Remember not to post too many updates in a short period of time, it will cause people to unfollow you.
- Use hashtags when you tweet, but remember not to overuse them!
- Tell people on Facebook and other platforms including email and on your blogs to follow you.
- Remember to not only expect people to engage with you, but engage with them too! Like their tweets, respond when you’re being mentioned and more.
For more tips follow us on Twitter @go2_online